"Kita sudah cukup begini, kita hanya punya nama baik, itu saja yang harus kita jaga terus." (Muhammad Hatta)

Inbox 500.000,- Dollar

Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010

"500.000,- dollar? wuih guilla.... berati 4,5 milyar rupiah. Wah, bisa kayak mendadak gue. Tapi plis deh, orang gila mana coba yang mau ngasih duit segunung gitu" ujar gue pas ngebuka email tepat pada hari kamis lalu tanggal 12 agustus 2010 bukan 12 agustus 2010SM ya, emang gue pak Flinstone apa... Hehehehe...

Ya, ada email masuk dari msn_megamillion3_7783@msn.com dengan judul, congratulaion, you have won a prize from Microsoft Company yang mengirimkan sebuah kabar bahwa gue mendapatkan hadiah sebesar US$ 500.000,-.

Ini nih bunyi emailnya :

United Kingdom, 61-70
Southampton Row
Bloomsbury London                       
United Kingdom WC 1B 4AR.

10th August, 2010.

Batch: 171RT/MSN/UK
Ref: MS/34/5061023

Dear Winner,
We the MSN MICROSOFT MANAGEMENT WORLDWIDE are pleased to inform you today being the 10th August, 2010. that you are one of the winners of our annual MSN/MICROSOFT PROMOTION AWARD PROGRAM conducted in UNITED KINGDOM on the 9th August, 2010.

Your E-mail address has been randomly selected as one of the winners of this year award promotion.

Therefore, you have been approved to be paid the sum of $500,000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars) in cash.

Your winning prize is from the total prize of £100,000,000.00 One Hundred Million Pounds which is to be shared among the Three Hundred and international winners in category C (Third).

All participants in this program were selected randomly through our MSN/MICROSOFT Computer Ballot System, drawn from 100,000.000 internet users from all search engines. Your e-mail address was picked by the automated MSN/MICROSOFT Computer Ballot System, which has been programmed for this random selection.

You are to keep your ref. numbers and batch numbers from the public, until you have received your cash prize. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and the act of scamming /hacking people of their ref number and prizes.

You are advised to contact our Prize Processing Officer by means of email to the below  contact info within the hour of reading this winning notification.

While contacting him for your payment furnish him with the following details.

(1) Full Name
(2) Current Location
(3) Date of Birth (DATE: MONTHS: YEAR :)
(4) Occupation
(5) Sex/Marital status
(6) Home/Mobile Phone
(7) Reference/Batch No.
(8) Amount Won
(9) Nationality

Note that all prize must be claimed not later than one month of notification. All funds not claimed on or before the fixed date will be returned as Unclaimed Prize.

Congratulation once again.
Attached is the processing form.

Thanks and Regards.

Dr Abdul Hussein
Prize Processing Officer

Emang sih sempet mikir 'apa bener nih?' sambil mata melotot mulut cangak (alias mengangak). Gue juga sempet nge-khayal sejenak, 'Gile 4,5 milyar bro, bisa beli pabrik baso gue'. Tapi tiba-tiba, relung hati gue yang terdalam berkata "Itu palsu ganteng... hihiihi (sambil cengengesan)". 

Ya sudah karena disebut ganteng, gue akhirnya sadar dari buaian manis email itu. Gue akhirnya menjauhi email itu dan langsung membuat sebuah resolusi nomor 1789 (jiah, lu kira PBB pake resolusi segala). Ya, gue akhirnya mengklik tombol spam. Dengan emosi membara, gue  menekan tombol spam. "hahaha... sukurin lu email, emang enak gue spam... wee..." tutur gue bangga. Gue yakin, pasti, kalo email itu bisa bicara dia bakal bilang "dunia belum berakhir, walau kau spam aku. Masih banyak email disana, jadi korbanku... Kupikir-pikir (dua kali) lebih baik aku di-spam. Kupikir-pikir (dua kali) lelah..... wowowowowo...." Jiahaahaha... itukan lagunya shaden waktu gue jaman SD dulu.

Sudah, itu saja kisah Inbox 500.000 Dollar gue. Oh iya, selain mengirimkan pesan stress itu, sipengirim email juga menyisipkan sebuah file berformat JPEG  yang berisi semacam sertifikat gitu deh...

Ini gambarnya :

Bagus kan sertifikatnya buat bungkus cabe... xixixixi....

Oh iya, sekali lagi saya yakin bahwa ini palsu. Penipuan. Scam. So, hati-hati buat kawan-kawan semua yang mendapat email seperti ini. Abaikan aja.


9 komentar:

  1. saya juga sering mendapatkan emaiL sejenis tapi enggak pernah saya tanggapin, kaLau tawarannya dikumpuLin satu-persatu kayaknya saya bisa jadi miLyuner mendadak (giLa) deh.

  2. jiahahahaha.... kalo di kilo dapet brapa kilo kali ya....

  3. duileee.... napa mesti palsu?
    sabaaarr sabaarr... orang sabar di sayang pacar :D

  4. @Riska.... tapi aku nggak punya pacar....

  5. Iya Mas, kita harus mewaspadai spam spt itu. Makasi ya sudah mengingatkan. Salam kenal, kunjungan balik perdana.

  6. wedoww,, ngespamnya yang bener dong :D
    kan pada bisa ditraktir bakso semua yg ada blogosphere nih...

  7. haha aku jg pernah dpt kaya gtu
    langsung ku delete aja :p

  8. @tusuda.... tengkyu2...
    @yslama.... sesuai resolusi PBB nomor 1789, aku harus nge-spam setiap email mencurigakan pake kata2 weee... (hihiihihi, emang ada resolusi kayak gitu?)
    @Ria Nugroho.... Bagus...
    @Putu.... salam kenal juga breder...


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